7 Swimming Pool Safety Tips For Parents

Owning your own pool is an incredible luxury and can be an awful lot of fun for all the family, but it’s important that you bear health and safety in mind at all times, especially if you have young children living at home.

First of all, never leave your child unattended when they’re in the water or near the pool. There should always be a designated adult supervising children when they’re splashing around and this should be their only job, with no distractions like texting or reading going on at the same time.

Secondly, make sure that all children know how to swim and are competent at it if you plan to have a swimming pool at home. You can teach them yourself or take them for professional lessons, but it’s vital that they have this essential life skill. 

And stress the importance of taking care around the pool itself, with no running around the edge, as it is easy to slip, fall and bang your head.

You yourself may also consider it wise to have some first aid training so that you can administer CPR if required should an accident happen. This is all part of being a responsible swimming pool owner, after all.

In terms of the pool itself, it could also be a good idea to have covers, alarms, barriers and fences installed around the pool area so that children can’t fall in if they do find themselves outside without adult supervision.

Also keep up with swimming pool maintenance and make sure that your drain covers are in good working order at all times, as suction entrapment can pose a risk to life.